Health Solutions

Health insurance, a type of insurance that covers medical and surgical expenses in case of an accident or illness, is an ever-evolving segment and the choices therein seem limitless. Just like others, this type of insurance doesn’t have one plan that fits all.

At The Jeff Lambert Insurance Agency, we not only have individual but also group health insurance plans that cover employees of a micro business. Today, health insurance is a critical factor in retaining employees (a company’s greatest asset) and maintaining their productivity. With that in mind, we understand you or your business’s needs, take you through the various health insurance options and offer what’s best-suited. And just in case, we don’t have what you want (which is rare), we’d be happy to connect you to another vendor to satisfy your needs.

Types of Health Insurance

How much is the premium? Which doctors and hospitals accept this plan? Will there be high deductibles or copays prior to the plan paying anything? Will my prescriptions be covered under this? These are the kind of questions you need to find answers to when looking through different types of health insurance plans & solutions in the market.
Let’s learn about health insurance plans for individuals available in the current market, and their pros and cons.

Covers most illnesses or diseases

Freedom to choose doctors and hospitals

No referral required for specialist visits

Usually a PPO and part of a massively accepted network such as PHCS

Premiums maybe 50% less expensive vs major medical

Can be used at any doctor regardless of network affiliation

Outpatient services are accessible prior to any deductible being paid


Out-of-pocket expenses for some preventive care and diagnostics

Capped limit on annual and lifetime claim amounts

Pre-existing conditions may not be covered for a year (sometimes 2 years)

Not a good choice if you are currently taking expensive medication

Not a good fit if you are planning maternity or childbirth within the plan’s period



Operates like a major medical plan

Can cover prenatal care and childbirth after a waiting period

No limit on maximum claim per year or per policy


Can have high deductibles, copays, and max out-of-pocket expenses

Usually not guaranteed renewable

Excessive claims may leave you uninsured after the renewal date


Great if you have significant and expensive health issues

Covers childbirth, durable equipment and diagnostic testing – Comprehensive prescription drug coverage

No limit on claim allowed


Sometimes includes high premiums

Lack of flexibility in a few cases

Premium increase is historically out of control

Must enroll during open enrollment periods or have a qualifying event for enrollment


Lower premiums vs ACA (Obamacare)

All premiums go into a bucket. Member premiums used to pay claim

Can cover childbirth and related expenses after waiting period

Operates like a major medical plan


Not regulated by any government body- Network limitations can be an issue

Potentially high copays, deductibles, and Max out of pocket expenses

Why Do I Need to Buy Health Insurance Policy?

The health sector is an expensive arena and hospitalization can derail your finances overnight. All this can be avoided if you invest in a health insurance policy using a small portion of your annual income. A good health insurance policy provides the following benefits for the insured:

  • Easy to understand benefits
  • Reasonable and reliable premiums
  • Wellness checks
  • Inpatient procedure coverages
  • Vast accessibility to doctors and hospitals
  • Hassle-free claims
  • Prescription drugs
How Much Does Health Insurance Cost?

The cost of health insurance depends on your age, the type of policy you take, the amount of premium you pay, the sum insured, and other benefits you expect from the policy’s maturity.

How Can You Buy Health Insurance?

If you’re looking to buy health insurance policy, first zero-in on the purpose behind buying a health insurance and its cost. Once that is decided, search for local health insurance companies, like us, a licensed private health insurance agent/agency.

Folks in Texas, get in touch with us for health insurance that’s best fit for you. You can either request a call back or apply for a free quote and we’d be happy to serve you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Health insurance and its cost differ from person to person. What’s the best rate for your friend or sibling may not be the best health insurance plan for you too because it is determined on the basis of multiple factors – scroll up to read or request a call back from one of our friendly agents.

Several private agents or websites may offer you affordable full coverage health insurance plans or cheaper ones; however, you must remember to evaluate each thoroughly to find out which best fits your requirement and budget. Look for the hidden clauses and conditions.

Healthcare and insurance may often be used interchangeably but they are two different terms under the umbrella of health. While health insurance provides cover for medical services, healthcare includes diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease by licensed and trained professionals. A person seeking healthcare may not necessarily seek or have health insurance.

Individuals and families can pay the premium automatically through a bank draft. Meanwhile, owners of small businesses or people employed in such establishments can opt for group billing for individual plans. Small businesses can also pay via monthly invoices.

Quality Protection For Your Needs

Customizing your insurance is simple with That’s because we offer life, health disability, mortgage protection and “safe money” investments, all under one roof.

Get the protection you deserve